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Hasta Luego Argentina!

One of the first things we learned about open-ended travel is that plans are always soft. One minute you have a set itinerary for South America, and the next thing you know your on a plane to the South of least that's how it happened for us. We didn't plan to leave Argentina after just two-and-a-half months though, in fact, we spent the better part of 2010 planning to stay there for a full year. But, in true, travellin' fashion,  the opportunities we planned on didn't unfold the way we expected, and new, unforseen opportunities presented themselves when we weren't even looking.

Through the Workaway program, we got an amazing opportunity to work and live in the South of France through summer, and then head into Italy for the grape harvest. For us Vino Vagabonds, going to the motherland of wine was just too good to pass up!

We spent three, jam-packed days packing, buying train and plane tickets, cancelling phones and saying farewell to Argentina in the best way we knew how: by stuffing our faces with Dulce de Leche, Malbec and asado-ed beef.

Even though our inaugural trip to Argentina has come to an end, there's a reason we've titled the post 'Hasta Luego Argentina'. This is not 'good-bye, just until later', and we will head back to the land of bumpy sidewalks, Malbec, beef and Dulce de Leche soon. 

Until then, if only for the sole pleasure of re-reading the posts ourselves, here's a list of our favorite wines and experiences from our first brush with Argentine culture.

Buenos Aires:




To save time and space, I've picked just a few of our favorites, but don't hesitate to poke around further...especially if you like wine and food as much as we do!