We're Jeff & Brittany, two wine-loving travelers (or travel-loving wine-Os depending on the day!) and here you'll find the ins and outs of our journey. We share our best travel tips and must see locations, under the radar wines, hidden restaurants, and hints to taste wine like a pro across the globe. So, fellow Vino Vagabond, grab a glass (or two) and lets hit the road! Cheers!
Britt and Jeff in Buenos Aires, Argentina
Hey there! We are Jeff and Brittany Didra; two wine-loving travelers (or travel-loving Wine-Os depending on the day) and we've made it our mission to swirl, sniff, and sip our way through as many wine regions in the world as we can.
In 2009 we left our home in the desert sunsets of Tucson, Arizona for the bountiful vines of Napa Valley. We were fortunate to land amazing jobs working with wine in Napa, but after two years we discovered that the same yearning for knowledge and adventure that drew us to California, was pulling us yet again into the wider world of wine and travel.
In 2010, we sold all our stuff, quit our jobs, and planned to become 'digital nomads' and travel forever. Turns out, forever was actually just over nine months. With empty wallets but minds full of inspiration, we headed back to the US to regroup. That's when we realized we actually preferred the balance of both having a home base and a life on the road. We officially became "wine-trepreneurs" in 2011 and since then we've been able to do what we love (talk about wine all day), and still travel as much as we want throughout the year. It's the best of both worlds, and unlike a lot of travel bloggers, we didn't feel the need to give up one way of life for another. We simply chose both. So whether our trips last two weeks or two months, our aim is the same: to see, smell, taste and experience as much of this beautiful, delicious world as possible. To find balance both in life and in the glass.
We encourage you to do the same, on your own two feet and with us here. In these pages, you'll find incredible wines, tasty recipes, top wine recommendations, travel hacks, and eye-opening destinations and adventures as we experience them. So grab a glass and come along. Cheers!
Brittany & Jeff
About Jeff
Jeff is a self-proclaimed optimist. He seeks out the beauty in all things and tries to positively affect everyone he meets. He is happiest being active outdoors, laughing with friends, discovering new music and dance moves, meeting new people, cooking, and of course, drinking delicious wine.
Jeff's love affair with wine started the moment he tasted a 1976 Chateau Lafite-Rothschild, and it quite literally changed his life. This was more than just grape juice, it was the earth and smell of Bordeaux; it was 1970's France in one bottle. Amazed at how a wine could instantly transport him to vineyards around the world, he earned his Sommelier Certification and proceeded to 'travel the world' through each new glass he tried.
It wasn't until he actually hopped on a plane to Europe though, armed with a backpack and a wine key, that his passion for discovering new wines and cultures really took hold. Vino Vagabonds is where he combines his love of all things wine and travel and hopes to someday meet up in person to share a glass!
About Brittany
Brittany took her first trip to Mexico at the ripe-old-age of 18 and was hooked on travel (and the Spanish language) from the moment her feet hit the sandy beaches of Puerto Vallarta. During college she studied Journalism and Spanish and traveled every opportunity she had. She spent holidays in the Cayman Islands, Italy, The British Virgin Islands and fully realized her travel bug after living in Puerto Rico.
The travel part came easy, but wine was a harder sell. It took Brittany a cute boy (*cough*Jeff *cough*) and several bottles for her to realize that wine was fascinating and not just for "stuffy old people". Jeff took her through the world bottle by bottle and slowly the beauty, depth and history hidden in each glass began to unfold. Like traveling, it quickly became an important part of her life and as Britt says now, "travel and wine may as well be synonyms."
Wherever she goes, Brittany can be found running through a park, playing in the water, laying in the sun with a glass of bubbly, or with her head buried in the latest Budget Traveler. If you see her, come say hi!