Hey there!

We're Jeff & Brittany, two wine-loving travelers (or travel-loving wine-Os depending on the day!) and here you'll find the ins and outs of our journey. We share our best travel tips and must see locations, under the radar wines, hidden restaurants, and hints to taste wine like a pro across the globe. So, fellow Vino Vagabond, grab a glass (or two) and lets hit the road! Cheers!

Through the Looking Glass #2: Midland, TX

Through the Looking Glass #2: Midland, TX



We caught this simple, yet striking view of "oil country" on our drive through West Texas just outside Odessa.    

How interesting to see the two largest and most profitable industries in the state, and quite possibly the nation, coexisting quietly side-by-side...

Road trip! Arizona to Texas

Road trip! Arizona to Texas

Christmas in Arizona

Christmas in Arizona