Hey there!

We're Jeff & Brittany, two wine-loving travelers (or travel-loving wine-Os depending on the day!) and here you'll find the ins and outs of our journey. We share our best travel tips and must see locations, under the radar wines, hidden restaurants, and hints to taste wine like a pro across the globe. So, fellow Vino Vagabond, grab a glass (or two) and lets hit the road! Cheers!

We Get Around

We Get Around


Living among 13 million people in Buenos Aires means that getting around town can take a lot of time, patience and know-how.  Thankfully, there is an extensive and functional transportation system in place to help us newbies out.       



Since this is the most expensive option, we don't travel this way very much, but there are thousands available! Like in the US they're yellow, have a roof light and charge by meters.  The meters start around 5.8 pesos and then go up based on time.   

An exception to this are taxis from the airport which charge you a flat rate up front and take you directly to certain places in the city.  There are many "unofficial taxis" waiting on the curb for "rich" tourists, so we highly recommend going to an official booth inside the airport to ensure you won't get ripped off.    




Before you even think about getting on a bus, buy a "Guia T". It's an extremely complex guide to the bus lines and the best city map we've seen yet. The busses are a cheap  and semi-direct way to travel, but very hectic for newbies and the drivers are NOT a cheery bunch.   

That said, the Buenos Aires bus system runs nearly 24 hours and you can go anywhere, anytime for just $1.25 pesos per trip!  Make sure to have plenty of monedas (coins) though, as the ticket machines on the bus don't take bills.  

More on taking the busses and the "Guia T."  


Subte (subway)  


By far our favorite way to travel around Buenos Aires. It costs less than the busses at just $1.10 pesos per ride, avoids all traffic, and is super easy to navigate.  Though not as extensive as the bus system, there are 5 lines (A-E) that go to all major areas of the city.  You can buy multiple trips at once and insert your pre-paid card into automated turnstiles just like in NYC.  

The main downfall is the subte only runs from to 8am to 10pm, so you can't take it home from dinner or a club.  Also, you DO NOT want to get on any subte line between 8-10 am or 5-7pm during the week as it is jam-packed.  I mean jammed, like you can't breathe and have to literally fight your way on and off.  




We walk everywhere.  There are tons of pedestrian crosswalks regulated by walk and don't walk signs, but beware, drivers really don't care who has the right-of-way here.  

Thankfully there are ample sidewalks, but they're not kept up like in the US, so you really have to watch your step. Shops, kioskos (mini-marts), cafes and bars line the sidewalks and are great to pop into for a beer, water or to just get out of the heat.

Through the Looking Glass #4: …Literally

Through the Looking Glass #4: …Literally

Puerto Madero by Night

Puerto Madero by Night