Hey there!

We're Jeff & Brittany, two wine-loving travelers (or travel-loving wine-Os depending on the day!) and here you'll find the ins and outs of our journey. We share our best travel tips and must see locations, under the radar wines, hidden restaurants, and hints to taste wine like a pro across the globe. So, fellow Vino Vagabond, grab a glass (or two) and lets hit the road! Cheers!

What We're Drinking Now: 2006 Domaine des Varoilles Vielles Vignes

What We're Drinking Now: 2006 Domaine des Varoilles Vielles Vignes

Walking into the tasting room after our multi-hour French lunch in Gevrey-Chambertin, our friendly host showed us to our tasting table. On top, soil samples from each vineyard proudly displayed the specific terroir of their corresponding wines. This particular Pinot Noir comes from very rocky soil on a sloping grade which lends itself to better drainage during the rainy season and prevents the propagation of mold. Not only that, but the vines are very old and date back about 50 years which means deeper roots for pulling more nutrients from the soil.

This wine is not one to be thrown in with your Boeuf Bourgignon, but instead, one to be hoarded and enjoyed during its preparation. The extra bottle age (3-4 years more than current release) was lovely to soften the wine and bring out more of the dried plum, spicy anise and wet stone notes. These flavors grabbed hold of your tongue and slowly slid down your throat lasting several seconds. It’s a sensation you miss immediately and crave again and again until the very last drop!

What a Difference Two Years Makes!

What a Difference Two Years Makes!

When in Turkey- Turkish Bath House!!

When in Turkey- Turkish Bath House!!